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Image by Henry Be
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Alan David Pritchard is a multi-award-winning novelist, playwright, poet, screenplay writer, and creator of poetry videos/films.


His novel, ‘The Pebble Champion’ has recently been awarded: B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree, Indie Brag Awards, USA 2024.


Furthermore, it was the WINNER of the Best Book Award at the Miracle Makers International Film and Writers’ Festival, Las Vegas, 2021.


It was also the WINNER of the SILVER AWARD (Novel Writing Category),  LGBTQ Unbordered International Film Festival, Delaware, USA, February 2022.


In addition, it received an HONORABLE MENTION at the WriteMovies Spring 2021 Screenwriting Contest, Beverly Hills, USA.


Furthermore, it was an OFFICIAL NOMINEE at the 2021 Action on Film Megafest International Film Festival and Writers’ Competition, Las Vegas. 


'The Pebble Champion' was also selected as a FINALIST at the 2021  Page Turner Best Book Awards Competition, UK.


And it was awarded the FINALIST AWARD (Outstanding LGBTQ Novel Category) at the Independent Author Network Best Book of the Year Awards, USA, 2021.


Plus, it won the FINALIST AWARD (LGBTQ Best Book) at the Reader’s Favorite Book Awards, Miami, USA in 2019.


The screenplay adaptation of 'The Pebble Champion' (2024) is beginning to get recognized on the festival circuit.


It was awarded WINNER, Best Screenplay at the Chicago Feedback Film Festival, Chicago, USA, 2024, and received an HONORABLE MENTION at the Big Apple Film Festival and Screenplay Competition, New York, 2024.


It was an OFFICIAL SELECTION  at the The Hollywood Screenwriters' Showcase, c/o Pinewood Studios, UK, 2024.


Furthermore, it was a SEMI-FINALIST at the Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival, USA, 2024.


Plus, is was a FINALIST at the Rome Prisma Film Awards, Italy, 2024.


His play ‘Genius' was the WINNER at one of the regions of the Welsh Young Farmers' Play Festival in 2000 and consequently, a FINALIST in the national competition. 'Genius' was performed at the Brecon Theatre, and 13 years later, staged at the Hafren Theatre in Wales.


​His most recent play/ theatre script, ‘Red-Handed’  was the


​•            WINNER at the 4th Dimension Independent Film Festival, Bali, 2021

•            WINNER at The Best Script Award Festival, April, London, 2021

•            WINNER at the Miracle Makers International Film and Writers’ Festival, Las Vegas, 2021.


It was also awarded SEMI-FINALIST at the Script and StoryBoard Showcase Festival, Los Angeles, January 2021, and it was an OFFICIAL SELECTION at the Film Boxe International Film Festival, May 2021.


Additionally, it was an OFFICIAL SELECTION, Short Script Category, at the Hamburg Film Awards, Germany, 2022.  Plus it was a  SEMI-FINALIST (Stage Play Category) at the Bull City International Film and Screenwriting Festival, Durham, NC, USA, February 2022. 




'One of Us' , the screenplay adaptation of 'Red-Handed',  was the WINNER, Best First-Time Writer (Short Screenplay) at the Oxford Script Awards, UK, February, 2023.


Furthermore, it was the WINNER, Best Short Screenplay of the Year, Rome Prisma International Film Festival, Rome, Italy, July, 2022.


Plus it was a WINNER, Best LGBT Screenplay, at the Cannes Film Awards, 2022.


It was also the WINNER of the Best Screenplay at the HollywoodJust4Shorts Film and Screenplay Competition, Hollywood, USA, November, 2022.


And, WINNER in both the Best Short Script and Best Dialogues Categories at the Travancore Intl Film Festival, India, 2023.


Additionally, it received an HONORABLE MENTION at the Athens Intl. Monthly Art Film Festival, 2022 and

HONORABLE MENTIONBest Short Screenplay, Bowery Film Festival, New York, 2022, and was a

FINALIST at the Red Flight Pictures Screenplay Awards, Philadelphia, USA, 2022  + FINALIST at The Paris Screenplay Awards, Paris. 2023 + OFFICIAL NOMINEE at the Miracle Makers Intl Film Festival, Hollywood, USA, 2023 and OFFICIAL NOMINEE/FINALIST at the Lonely Wolf International Film Festival, London, UK, 2023.


It was also a NOMINEE, Best Technique, at the London Paperscreenplay Awards, 2022 and  made

the DRAGON LIST  (Screenplays of Outstanding Quality) at the International Film Festival of Wales, 2022.


Plus, it was a  SEMI-FINALIST (Best Short Screenplay) at the Cinequest Screenwriting Competition, California, 2024 + the Filmmatic Short Screenplay Awards, Los Angeles, 2024 + the New  York International Screenplay Awards, April 2022,  and the Santa Barbara International Screenplay Awards, May 2022.


Also, it was a QUARTER-FINALIST at the New York Metropolitan Screenwriting Competition, 2022.


And, it was an OFFICIAL SELECTION the Fort Myers International Film Festival, Florida, 2022 + the Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards, 2022 + the Amsterdam Freedom Film Festival, 2022 + the New York Script Awards, 2022 + the Berlin Intl. Screenwriting Festival, 2023 + the ScreenWriter's Launchpad Series Festival, 2023.  


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His first poetry collection, ‘Advancing Backwards’ featured poems selected for publication in over 32 literary magazines, journals,  poetry anthologies, and websites worldwide.


He was chosen as Poet of the Month by the then Poets' Society of London in 2005 and was also invited to read his poetry at the Poetry Café in Covent Garden.


Additionally, his video poem from that collection, ‘Like So’ was an OFFICIAL SELECTION at the Visible Verse Poetry Festival in Vancouver, Canada in 2013.


His narration of his poem ‘Consequence’ was used as the soundtrack to a student choreography dance assignment at Western Kentucky University.


'How We Deal With It' a poem from this collection was published in the Beyond Queer Words anthology, Germany, 2021.


Window Spit’, his second poetry collection, was described as “an intoxicating look at today’s reality” by the author Rosie Malzier, and was a FINALIST in the Eyelands International Book Awards, Greece, in 2019.


Additionally, it was also a NOMINEE/ FINALIST at the Miracle Makers International Film and Writers’ Festival, Las Vegas, 2021.


Poems from this collection have also been featured in the following anthologies:

'Pivot Point' - The Joys of Ageing, Published by Poets Choice, Mumbai

'I Need to Know', 'Pivot Point' , 'Seismic' - published in The Rabble Review Literary Journal

'Party' - published in the Dreamers Canzonet by The Linnet's Wings, Ireland.

Some of his recent video poems/ short films from ‘Window Spit’ have been lauded at the following poetry video and film festivals:


•            ‘Seismic’ = FINALIST, Fentress Fest for Writers, April 2022; SEMI-FINALIST, Bologna In Lettere , Multi-disciplinary Festival of Contemporary Literature Video Poetry, Bologna, Italy, March, 2022; OFFICIAL SELECTION, Super Short Film Category, Hamburg Film Awards, Germany, 2022;  WINNER, Poetry Film, Creative Touching Concept at the 3rd Hottomela International Film Festival, Calcutta, 2021; OFFICIAL SELECTION at the Newlyn PZ International Film Festival, June 2021; NOMINEE at the Miracle Makers International Film and Writers’ Festival, Las Vegas, July 2021.


•            ‘The Chosen Few’ = OFFICIAL SELECTION and WINNER (Director's Choice Award) at the International Poetry Film Festival, Hollywood, June, 2022; QUARTER-FINALIST, Serbest International Film Festival, Moldova, 2022; OFFICIAL SELECTION at the 9th International Poetry Festival, Athens, 2021; FINALIST at the Miracle Makers International Film and Writers’ Festival, Las Vegas, July 2021; OFFICIAL SELECTION at the International Art Film Festival, London, 2021.


•            ‘The Letting Go’ =    OFFICIAL SELECTION at the Miracle Makers International Film and Writers’ Festival, Las Vegas, July 2021; OFFICIAL SELECTION, 2020 Cadence Video Poetry Festival, Seattle, USA.   


•            ‘Distance’ = FINALIST, Tokyo International Short Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan, February, 2022;  WINNER, Best Micro Film at the Roma International Short Film Festival, Rome, Italy, January 2022; WINNER, Best Film Poetry at the So Limitless and Free International Film Festival, Quebec, December 2021;  OFFICIAL SELECTION at the Tri-State New York Film Festival, November, 2021; OFFICIAL SELECTION at the Miracle Makers International Film and Writers’ Festival, Las Vegas, July 2021.


•            ‘Pivot Point’ =    QUARTER-FINALIST, Serbest International Film Festival, Moldova, 2022; OFFICIAL SELECTION at the Fotogenia Film Festival, Mexico, November 2021.

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I was born and raised in  Cape Town, South Africa. After completing military service, I began teaching Secondary Afrikaans at a private school and then English at a secondary government school, where I wrote and produced my first 3 plays.

I moved to England in 1996, and found a publisher for my plays. I was a primary school teacher for 6 years, during which time I wrote my novel, 'The Pebble Champion'. It took me 13 years to find a publisher for this work. Shortly after moving to the Isle of Wight, I began work on my first poetry collection, "Advancing Backwards", containing poems that had been published in magazines, anthologies and websites worldwide. Leaving the classroom to become a teacher trainer, public speaker and deliverer of study-skills workshops, I devoted my free time to writing teacher resources and creating poetry videos.

In 2012, I returned to full-time teaching, securing posts at international schools in Shanghai, where I presently reside (with my partner, a rabbit and 11 cats!).
After moving to China, I wrote my second collection of poetry "Window Spit' and the play "Red-Handed". I also created a number of new poetry videos, a screenplay ("One of Us") and an IB Teacher resource brand called Contented Being.

I am presently working on a new screenplay.

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